Alumna is Named AVASW Social Worker of 2nd Quarter


斯蒂芬妮(罗宾逊)施罗德,08年, LCSW, is a powerful advocate for veterans and their caregivers, and her holistic and empowering approach to behavioral healthcare has earned her a high honor.

施罗德毕业于 St. galaxy银河娱乐场app城市垃圾项目, was recently named Social Worker for the 2nd Quarter by the Association of VA (Veteran Affairs) Social Workers.

The recognition places her in the running for the association's Social Worker of the Year award.

Schroeder is the home telehealth coordinator at the Robert J Dole Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in Wichita, KS. “我在退伍军人事务部工作了10年, and when I break down my career I see how everything has led me to this position,她说.

Schroeder earned a BA in sociology from Simpson College, then enrolled in the St. galaxy银河娱乐场app城市生活垃圾计划. 她完成了两次实习, one in 首页less Outreach and the other in Mental Health Intensive Case Management.

毕业后, she completed a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Fellowship at the VAMC in North Little Rock, AR. Schroeder then began working as a supportive housing case manager, 帮助退伍军人获得并保持住房.

In 2011, she moved to Wichita to become the caregiver support coordinator and was instrumental in the implementation and development of the program.

When Schroeder became care coordinator with the 首页 Telehealth Program, she was able to use her skills in mental health recovery and caregiver support to assist and monitor veterans with behavioral health issues, and to assist caregivers of those with dementia or other mental/medical conditions.

Many of her 60 clients live in rural areas and they (or their caregivers) use a telehealth device to answer a series of questions daily. If Schroeder detects a change in the client's behavioral health, she immediately follows up and puts supports in place. "Maybe they just need help navigating VA services, or it may be a service anniversary or a holiday. The 4th of July was a bad time for a lot of my clients,她说.

"I'll follow up and we may talk about getting in to see someone or a possible change in medication. Maybe the change is caused by something else, 说他们缺房租, 我将帮助调动galaxy银河娱乐场app资源. We focus on care coordination so we can prevent things from getting worse," Schroeder said.

她是这个单位唯一的社工, and coordinates care with a pool of nurses who, 同时, are monitoring the physical health of the veterans they serve.

"I was always drawn to a helping field," Schroeder said. “我以为我想成为一名治疗师, then I met a social worker who told me I could do so much with a master's in social work,她说.

Her path to working with veterans began in high school. 她大三的时候, she created and coordinated a project to replace a flagpole and improve the grounds of a community park.

当公园重新投入使用时, Schroeder invited the American Legion to participate in the celebration. She was touched when they thanked her for her work, and most importantly, for remembering them.

"That was one of my first experiences with that, and I remember my reaction was ‘Why would I forget you?’”她说。. “我非常感谢他们的帮助."

After the 911 terrorist attack, there was a swell of patriotism 在美国.S. and Schroeder watched many of her friends enlist in the military. By the time she enrolled in the MSW program, she was certain she wanted to work with veterans and did so during both of her 领域经验.

圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app School of Social Work SAU established the first MSW program with an 赋权专业化 在美国.S. Schroeder continues to use this approach in her work.

"I am always trying to find the silver lining in any situation and mental health recovery fits perfectly within that approach,她说.

For instance, some clients view a mental health diagnosis as limiting. “我会把它比作糖尿病. People with diabetes can still live a productive life if they adjust to the illness. Yes, you'll have bad days and you'll have good days. It may never go away but there are ways to cope with it and find new meaning,她说.

"I remind them we are always continually moving toward that north star," Schroeder said. "I pull out that empowerment perspective with every client."


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