


Dr. 莫妮卡Forret is a Professor in the Department of 管理 and is the Director of the 工商管理博士 Program. Dr. Forret teaches courses on human resource management, 组织行为, 商界女性, 研究方法, 领导, 培训 & 发展和组织文化. She conducts research primarily in the areas of networking, 指导, 职业生涯, 求职流程, 性别问题, 工作态度.

She has published in several academic journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behavior, 职业行为杂志, 管理心理学杂志, 职业发展国际, 集团 & Organization 管理, Organizational Dynamics, British Journal of 管理, and 领导 & 组织发展杂志. Dr. Forret has presented numerous research papers, 座谈会, and professional development workshops at international meetings of the Academy of 管理.

Dr. Forret was the recipient of the inaugural Doctoral 校友 Research Fellow award, and was selected as an Athena Award Honoree in 2018 for excellence in her profession and support of other women. She received the Faculty Scholarship Award in the College of Business in 2020. Dr. Forret was elected twice to the Board of Directors of the Careers Division of the Academy of 管理, served as President of the Rotary Club of Davenport, and served on the Board of Directors of Dress for Success Quad Cities. 在她的学术生涯之前,Dr. Forret was a CPA and worked in Minneapolis as an auditor for Deloitte & 对保诚来说,这太棒了. 她曾在长岛大学任教, 瑞士富兰克林学院, 科隆大学, and has been an invited speaker at multiple colleges and universities in India.

Dr. Forret简历 (pdf)



  • PhD, University of Missouri, Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
  • 英航、圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app会计学专业

更多关于博士. Forret


MGMT 315商界女性
MGMT 320人力资源管理
MBA 621组织中的人类行为
MBA 690领导力通过人际技能
DBA 901研究方法论
DBA 904学位论文设计与开发
DBA 910组织行为分析
DBA 911 Managing Human Resources in a Global Environment
DBA 930职业
DBA 931培训与发展
DBA 940领导力


戴维斯J.沃尔夫,H. G.福雷特,M., & 沙利文,年代. (2020). Networking via LinkedIn: An examination of usage and career benefits. 职业行为学报,2001,18 (1):1-15.

Guillaume P.沙利文,S。. E.沃尔夫,H. G., & Forret, M. L. (2019). Are there major differences in the attitudes and service quality of standard and seasonal employees? An empirical investigation and implications for practice. 人力资源管理,28 (5):45-56.

McCallum-Ferguson,年代., & Forret, M. L. (2018). Career challenge: Utilizing networking to develop abilities as a leader. 在年代. E. 沙利文 & S. G. 鲍格(Eds.),《galaxy银河娱乐场app》(第2卷). 4, pp. 1-21). 夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州:信息时代出版社.

Forret, M. L. (2018). Networking as a job search and career management behavior. 在你. C. Klehe & E. W. J. 范·胡夫特主编.), The Oxford handbook of job loss and job search (pp. 275-292). 纽约:牛津大学出版社.

McCallum,年代. Y.福雷特,M. L., & 沃尔夫,H. G. (2014). Internal and external networking behavior: An investigation of relationships with affective, 延续, 规范性承诺. 职业发展国际, 19, 595-614.

德贾纳斯,S.福雷特,M.,哈克,D., & Jonsen K. (2013). Family status 工作态度: An investigation in a professional services firm. 管理学报,24 (4),191-210.

沃尔夫,H. G.施耐德-拉姆,C. I., & Forret, M. L. (2011). Adaptation of a German multidimensional networking scale into English. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 244-250.

Forret, M. L.沙利文,S。. E., & Mainiero L. A. (2010). An empirical investigation of traditional gender role differences in reactions to unemployment: Exploring psychological mobility and boundaryless 职业生涯. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 647-666.

沙利文,年代. E.福雷特,M. L.Carraher, S. M., & Mainiero L. A. (2009). Using the kaleidoscope career model to examine generational differences in work attitudes. 职业发展国际, 14(3), 284-302.

德贾纳斯,S., & Forret, M. (2008). Learning the art of networking: A critical skill for enhancing social capital and career success. Journal of 管理 Education, 32, 629-650.

Forret, M. L., & 爱米. S. (2008). Employee justice perceptions and coworker relationships. 领导 & 组织发展杂志, 29, 248-260.

麻省理工,M. R., & Forret, M. L. (2008). Formal 指导 programs: The relationship of program design and support to mentors' perceptions of benefits and costs. 心理科学学报,2009,31 (2):444 - 444.

爱米. S., & Forret, M. L. (2008). Exchange relationships at work: An examination of the relationship between TMX and supervisor reports of organizational citizenship behavior. 领导力杂志 & 组织研究,14,342-352.

沙利文,年代. E.福雷特,M. L.缅因州迈尼耶罗市. A., & Terjesen,年代. (2007). 企业家的动力是什么?? An exploratory study of the kaleidoscope career model and entrepreneurship. Journal of Applied 管理 and Entrepreneurship, 12, 4-19.

沙利文,年代. E.福雷特,M. L., & Mainiero L. A. (2007). 不后悔? An investigation of the relationship between being laid off and experiencing career regrets. 管理心理学杂志, 22, 787-804.

Forret, M. L., 你,H. S., & 沙利文,年代. E. (2007). The awakening dragon: An investigation of firm type and its relationship to the work outcomes and attitudes of Chinese managers. 在L. L. Neider & C. A. Schriesheim (Eds.),管理研究,卷. 6, pp. 1-24. 夏洛特,北卡罗来纳州:信息时代出版社.

Forret, M. L. (2006). The impact of social networks on the advancement of women and racial/ethnic minority groups. 玛格丽特·F. 卡斯滕(Ed.), Gender, ethnicity, and race in the workplace, Vol. 3, pp. 149-166. 西港,CT: Praeger.

你,H. S.福雷特,M. L., & 沙利文,年代. E. (2006). Careers in a nonwestern context: An exploratory empirical investigation of factors related to the career success of Chinese managers. 职业发展国际, 11(7), 580-593.

Forret, M., & 德贾纳斯,S. (2005). Perceptions of an organization's culture for work and family: Do mentors make a difference? 职业发展国际, 10(6/7), 478-492.

Forret, M. L., & 多尔蒂,T. W. (2004). Networking behaviors and career outcomes: Differences for men and women? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 1-19.

Forret, M. L., & 沙利文,年代. E. (2002). A balanced scorecard approach to networking: A guide to successfully navigating career changes. 组织动力学,31(3),245-258.

Forret, M. L., & 多尔蒂,T. W. (2001). Correlates of networking behavior for managerial and professional employees. 集团 & Organization 管理 Journal, 26, 283-311.

头巾,D. B.福雷特,M. L., & Hendrickson, C. L. (1998). Applicant attraction to firms: Influences of organization reputation, 工作和组织属性, 以及招聘人员的行为. 职业行为学报,52,24-44.

Forret, M. L., & 头巾,D. B. (1996). Implications of the elaboration likelihood model for interviewer decision processes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 10, 415-428.

Forret, M. L.图尔班,D. B., & 多尔蒂,T. W. (1996). Issues facing organizations when implementing formal 指导 programmes. 领导 & 组织发展学报,17,28-31.


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