Q&A: 萨曼莎Sancen’s Busy Ambrosian Spirit


在这个Q中&A, we hear from 萨曼莎Sancen as she prepares to walk the graduation stage. Samantha shares her experience studying Political Science and Theology, her involvement in various student organizations, and the campus service that was most helpful to her during her time at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app. She also reflects on the most significant lesson she learned while at the University and how it will shape her future endeavors.

Q: Samantha, what led you to choose St. galaxy银河娱乐场app for your college education?

A: I'm from the Quad Cities and wanted to stay relatively close to home. I looked at a few schools in Chicago and Milwaukee, but St. galaxy银河娱乐场app was actually the first college I visited and I fell in love with it. Meeting with the faculty in my department during my visit was a big help, especially since my dad didn't know much about the college process. As a first-generation student, I felt that St. galaxy银河娱乐场app was able to guide me and my family through the process.

Q: What programs did you study while at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app?

A: I studied Political Science and Theology.

Q: Do you feel that the Political Science program has adequately prepared you for your future plans?

A: I originally thought that I wanted to attend law school, but my professor Dr. Parsons encouraged me to prepare for more than just law school and consider other opportunities in Political Science. Combining my Political Science and Theology majors made me realize that I have a lot of options for my future, but I don't have any concrete plans yet.


Samantha shares her experience studying Political Science and Theology, her involvement in various student organizations, and the campus service that was most helpful to her during her time at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app. She also reflects on the most significant lesson she learned while at the University and how it will shape her future endeavors.

Q: You've been very involved on campus. What clubs and activities have you participated in?

A: I have been involved in many different clubs and activities during my time at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app, including serving as a Senator in the Student Government since my freshman year, Director of the Bee the Difference Day committee for two years, a member of the Grey Matters Collective, President of the College Democrats, 模拟联合国的成员, 同事助理, and mentor for first-generation students.

Q: That's quite a variety of clubs and activities! What motivated you to get involved in so many organizations?

A: I was particularly drawn to student-led organizations because they provided me with real-world experiences and a sense of connection to the campus community.

Q: Which campus service did you find most helpful during your time at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app?

A: I definitely relied on the Accessibility Resource Center the most. 在我大四之前, I was in an accident and broke my leg badly, which required me to relearn how to walk. I almost delayed my senior year because of the recovery, but the ARC provided me with the accessibility resources I needed. They even installed an accessible button to open the door in the back of my dorm building. The support from the staff and faculty really meant a lot to me, and I even received flowers from my professors while I was in the hospital!

Q: Now that you are leaving St. galaxy银河娱乐场app, what is the most significant lesson you will take with you into the future?

A: The collaborative learning environment at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app has taught me the value of teamwork and working with groups and organizations to make a difference. I hope to continue focusing on collaboration in my future endeavors and to work towards making the world a better place.


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