

按照以下三个步骤申请St. galaxy银河娱乐场app:


Applications received by December 1 will be given priority admission for the fall semester. Applications received by July 1 will be given priority admission for the spring semester.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each cohort has been filled.





In preparation for obtaining a Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app, students must first complete the following courses:

1. Complete the following prerequisite courses with a C grade or higher prior to admission to the 护理程序. If applicable, no more than one science course can be completed the summer before fall entry.

  • +BIOL 101 Principles of Biology (or higher level Biology), 4 credits (plus lab)
  • BIOL 211微生物学导论,4学分(外加实验)
  • 人体解剖学和生理学,4学分(加实验)
  • BIOL 232 Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4 credits (plus lab)
  • +CHEM 103 Principles of Chemistry (or higher level Chemistry), 4 credits (plus lab)
  • STAT 213 Applied Statistical Reasoning for the Sciences, 3 credits
  • +PSYC 105心理学导论,3学分
  • 人生发展心理学,212学分
  • +SOC 101社会学导论,3学分


2. 完成通识教育要求的学分
    Accelerated BSN program: 3 or fewer credits (other requirements are met with previous Bachelor's degree)

3. 达到累积平均绩点(GPA) 3.0或以上.

4. 当学生的主要语言不是英语时, the student must meet the required TOEFL - Proficiency set by the Iowa Board of 护理: 


5. 除上述课程外, the following are required prior to being fully accepted into and starting the 护理程序 (护理 Admissions Requirements):

  • CNA (Certified 护理 Assistant) Certification course required, active certification or 同等CNA技能的就业证明文件 (pdf),在开始护理课程前的最近三年内.
  • CPR Certification must be American Heart Association BLS Provider


  • Completion of the SAU Foreign Language Requirement: 3 years of high school foreign language or 2 semesters of college-level foreign language prior to starting the 护理程序.
  • Review the health documentation requirements for acceptance in the 护理程序.
  • Meet with your advisor or the 护理 Academic Advisor/Recruiter for review.


1. Achieve a grade of C or above in ALL nursing courses and required prerequisite and co-requisite courses. 一个成绩不理想的学生(C-或更低), (或退课)可重修该课程一次. A student who has two unsatisfactory attempts (C- or lower and/or course withdrawal) in nursing courses at any time during the program, 在同一门课上或在不同的课上, 会被护理项目开除吗.

2. 所有课程考试平均成绩不低于74%. 如果一门课程的平均考试分数低于74%, 学生将以考试平均分作为课程成绩.

3. All prerequisite courses must be complted before progression to the next semester of nursing courses. (例如, all semester 1 nursing courses must be completed prior to the progression to semester 2 nursing courses).


护理课程的费用反映在学费表上. 校内学生的学费为每学时50美元. 在线护理学生的费用为每学分130美元. 


统一的 – Each student needs at least one full uniform, available only through the 分书店. The uniforms are dark navy and white, easy to maintain, and very professional-looking. The uniform includes a warm-up jacket, scrub pants, and a top with the St. Ambrose 护理 Student badge that has been professionally applied.

的鞋子, Shoes made of puncture-resistant material are recommended, not required. Shoes should be professional white, navy, black, or gray with minimal color accents. Shoes should be wellfitting walking shoe or running shoe with a closed toe and closed heal, 鞋子要干净, 鞋底防滑/无标记,状况良好, 应穿连裤袜或短袜.


听诊器 -每个护理学生都需要一个听诊器. 我们建议使用双头听诊器(带钟形和隔膜)。.

教科书 – All textbooks adopted for the nursing curriculum will be stocked in the 分书店. While we do realize that textbooks are expensive; we discourage renting textbooks as many of them will be used throughout the entire nursing program.

电脑 – The department utilizes a secure testing platform for all department testing. Students should use a computer that can support Examplify/ExamID/Exam Monitor. 不支持苹果iPad或微软Surface等平板电脑. 阅读最低系统要求



If a student does not meet the criteria for admission to the SAU 护理程序, they may submit a letter of appeal to the 护理 Department Admission and Progression Committee at nursing@mulher-perfeita.net 解释与不符合标准有关的情况.


  • A written appeal must be received by the Admission and Progression Committee within two weeks of the dated Admission Decision letter.
  • Letter must specify extenuating circumstances that would request the Admission and Progression Committee to alter their decision based upon departmental policy.
  • The Admission and Progression Committee will meet to review appeals for admission during the next scheduled meeting.
  • A decision letter will be sent to the student within a week following a committee decision.

和所有申请SAU护理专业的学生一样, applicants with a federal conviction also submit a criminal background check.

在完成犯罪背景调查后, the 护理 Department submits any reported criminal record results – along with clarified information from the student – to the Department of Human Services. The Department of Human Services makes the determination if the student may or may not participate in clinical experiences. Even if the student is cleared to participate in clinical experiences, 爱荷华州护理委员会有权拒绝颁发执照.

Criminal background checks are repeated prior to taking the nursing licensure examination (NCLEX-RN®) and any offer of employment in a health care setting.



1320 W. 朗伯德街.
达文波特,IA 52804


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