Advice for Parents

Take an active role and talk about career development opportunities, career direction, and internships.

As a parent of a St. Ambrose student, take an active role and talk about career development opportunities, career direction, and internships. 

We have a number of resources for parents that can help. Take a look at the graduate survey employment data 看看最近的毕业生在找工作或被研究生院录取方面取得的成功.

Feel free to call us at 563-333-6339 to learn how the Academic and Career Planning Office (ACP) can play an important role in your student's life now, and in the future.

Ways to Support Career Development

  • 鼓励你的学生尽早并经常在他们的大学生涯中访问学术和职业规划办公室. 他们可以拜访职业顾问,制定一份简历,完成模拟面试,参加面试 career fairs, and complete internships. These are just a few services available through Academic and Career Planning.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers, NACE

  • Encourage your student to check out the Major Map 为他们的专业学习更多关于如何在大学期间走向事业成功的知识. These maps help students to find the next right step for them, no matter where they are at in their career journey. 
  • Support your student's exploration of career options, talk to them about career plans, and be patient while they considers a variety of options. 
  • If your student seems unsure, point out the qualities you see as their talents and strengths, 并建议他们与ACP联系,获取一份自我评估清单,或者研究各种职业领域和雇主. A career decision should be a process and not a one-time, last-minute event; discourage them from putting off a decision until senior year.
  • 把你的学生介绍给专业领域的人,他们可以分享职业信息/工作见习机会和建议. Encourage your student to manage their BeeCareers account for jobs, internships, 指导的机会,并发展一个专业的社会媒体品牌,有效的网络.
  • 支持和鼓励参与领导和学生组织活动, both on- and off-campus.
  • 雇主希望学生具备以下特质:领导能力、理想专业、高GPA(3分).0 or above), involvement in extracurricular activities (clubs, sports, student government), participation in volunteer work, fluency in a foreign language, and study abroad experience.
  • Emphasize the importance of gaining career-related experience through internships, co-ops, volunteering, summer, and/or part-time jobs.
  • 学术和职业规划办公室不会“安排”你的学生在毕业时工作. 大学授予学位并帮助学生获得与职业相关的技能和知识. Having relevant experience in a competitive job market is critical.
First-Year Parents

As a parent, what can I do to help my student in their first year of college?

  • Talk to your student and stay involved. At times it may appear that your son or daughter does not want to talk to you. Be patient and keep the channel of communication open. 不同年龄的人在人生的不同阶段需要不同程度的空间. However, most people do not want to "do it alone." More encouragement and less criticism is a "golden rule.“树立良好的沟通和谈判技巧是学生需要掌握的基础. 
  • Encourage your student to explore career options and to visit our center. 我们可以帮助学生决定他们的职业道路和发展计划,以实现他们的目标.
  • 建议在你的家乡找一个工作影子,或者让职业中心在QC区找一个从业人员.
  • Getting involved in clubs and organizations on campus helps students acclimate with their home-away-from-home. Organized activities fill vacant time, helps students make friends, and provides opportunities to develop spiritually, physically, socially, and artistically. In addition to communication skills, 雇主看重潜在员工的领导能力和多任务处理能力. Being involved in college activities is one way to demonstrate those skills.
  • Be supportive of your student's on campus job. This experience may be the first step in demonstrating a positive work ethic. Today's part-time work will influence future employment. 勤工俭学和临时的校园工作可以成为学生时间管理技能发展的实践领域, multi-tasking, communication, decision-making, meeting deadlines, etc. Encourage your student to be on time to work, act confidently, and not complain when it appears other students are given easier projects. 如果你的学生没有获得勤工俭学资助,他们可能会考虑其他赚钱的选择:辅导, babysitting, or other part-time jobs in the Quad Cities area.
  • 建议你的学生在寒假期间开始找暑期工作. 有相关工作经验的学生更有可能在毕业后找到理想的工作. 你的学生需要开始建立一个履历,这样他们才能申请这些职位.

Many students bring pre-conceived career goals when they come to college. As students develop a better understanding of their skills, interests, and values they may alter their career direction.

文科教育的课程设置使学生能够通过通识教育的要求在较早的阶段找到这种理解. Additionally, the Career Center can help with career and major exploration. 鼓励学生在各种课程中发现自己最大的能力和优势. 相当多的学生在大学的头两年改变了他们的职业方向. 

I want my student to find appropriate employment following graduation. How can I help?
今天的求职者必须能够证明他们能够将在学术课程中学到的知识应用到实际工作中. This is why internships are important. Encourage your student to visit the Career Center and take part in internships, etiquette dinners, career fairs, and on-campus recruiting. The greater the level of involvement, the greater the potential for getting that desired job after graduation.

提醒你的学生,社交媒体上的个人资料不应该用来给朋友留下深刻印象, but to impress hiring managers and recruiters.

Sophomore Year Parents

How should my student be advancing their career this year?
今天的求职者必须能够证明他们能够将在学术课程中学到的知识应用到实际工作中. This is why internships and cooperative education are important.

鼓励你的学生参观就业中心,并参加一些研讨会, mock interviews, internships, etiquette dinners, career fairs, and on-campus recruiting. The greater the level involvement, the greater the potential for getting the desired job following graduation.

  • Update résumé
  • Draft an adaptable cover letter
  • Do a mock interview
  • Write your LinkedIn profile
  • Participate in volunteer work
  • Apply for an internship
  • Join SAU organizations or community organizations
  • Watch part-time job listings for related work experience
Junior Year Parents

如果你的学生不是经常来就业指导中心的话,秋天是时候委婉地鼓励他或她去一下就业指导中心了. Internships and cooperative education experiences may still be arranged; it is definitely not too late.

  • Ask to see your student's résumé. 你可能会很高兴地发现列出的技能证明了你的学生的能力.
  • Consider giving professional clothing for birthday and other gifts. It will be needed for interviewing this year and in the future.
  • Help your student develop a list of potential employers in your area. 你当地的媒体和日常接触的人可能会提供一个实习机会,而你的学生可能不知道.
  • Encourage your student to attend Career Center Events.
  • Talk about the importance of being a confident interviewee. Suggest a mock interview. 在每学期的招聘会准备周期间,学生们都会练习与来自Quad Cities地区各公司的人力资源专业人士进行面试. 谈谈你经历过的一些令人遗憾和愉快的面试. Your student needs to know if you also experienced pre-interview jitters.
  • Is your student considering graduate school? 鼓励他们开始为研究生入学考试做准备,并参加就业中心的个人陈述研讨会. They will need to start applying for grad school the early part of senior year.
Senior Year Parents

Wow! How time flies. Your student is transitioning to being self-sufficient. 你敏锐地意识到你和学生的关系每天都在变化. Your nudges are now merely offerings of assistance.

  • 问问你的“准毕业生”是否愿意让你把他们的简历分发给公司的人力资源总监, contacts, or friends who might be in a position to help. It is a competitive job market, and this is just one way of marketing. Encourage your student to make this step on their own; you are the backup promoter. 在其他条件相同的情况下(经验、成绩、活动),这取决于你认识谁. 也许这个有影响力的人也可以审查你的毕业生的履历,并给出一些建议. 如果你的学生大方地接受了评论,这可能是一个潜在工作的机会.
  • Keep track of job openings in your area and in your company. Send an email of the announcement to your student. Ask what they think about the opportunity.
  • Let your student know that you have visited the Career Center's website. Encourage them to attend Career Center Events.

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.