
Enter our community of human inquiry; learn to express and defend your perspective through the art of reasoning; and aptly evaluate the arguments of others. 

Through developing those skills, you can take your philosophy degree into law, medicine, education, or any other career. 哲学是思想和发现的核心,是为生活做的更好的准备.

Our graduates work in colleges and universities as professors, run their own business, teach faith as clergy, and practice law, among others.

Ambrose Advantages

  • A Community of Dynamic Thinkers
  • Personal and Professional Ethics
  • Engaging Faculty

two students examining


students in classroom

我们的教师以帮助学生变得完整而自豪:在人际关系中体贴, critical in their quest for truth, and devoted in their pursuit of what is good. SAU的哲学专业使您能够在多样化的世界中生活并取得成功,并在您的职业生涯或研究生院中脱颖而出.

see our philosophy major fact sheet (pdf)

Creative Teaching
Learn to think differently

Philosophy professors at SAU are dedicated, dynamic, and creative. 这个视频只是我们哲学系教师创新教学的一个例子.

More Information About the Philosophy Program

What will I learn?

Courses include Western Philosophy, Critical Thinking, Ethics of Peace and Justice, Social/Political Philosophy, Peace and Justice, Bio-Medical Ethics, Existentialism, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, and Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence.

SAU哲学系的学生通常在政治学等各个领域主修或辅修双学位, English, theology, communication, business administration, occupational therapy, and accounting. In fact, 我们已经为你制定了一个计划,让你在没有额外学期的情况下双修哲学专业!). See the Degree Requirements section below for details.

该专业为法律、商业、教学或研究方面的研究生工作提供了很好的准备. It just so happens that philosophers dominate on the GRE. Check it out. And the LSAT for law school? Philosophy and classics majors perform the best on that test, too.

真的,世界正开始理解哲学家们几千年前就知道的东西. All things considered, philosophy is actually the most practical thing you can study, and likely pretty important for the future of technology.

What are some potential career outcomes?

A Philosophy major prepares you for an array of careers, including attorney, minister, technical writer, teacher, editor, publisher, mediation specialist, counselor, museum curator, social worker, activist, and ethics adviser for businesses and hospitals.

What have alumni of this program done?
  • Matt Osborn '15 is Owner/Operator of The 1/2 Nelson restaurant in downtown Davenport.
  • 18岁的Andrew Nesseler在日本的JET项目教授英语.
  • Kathleen Lane '15 is a pediatric occupational therapist.
  • John "Fletcher" Molchin '17是伊利诺斯州梅普尔顿联合租赁公司的一名外部销售助理.
  • Marc Wyers '17 is studying law at the University of Iowa.
  • Gabriel Price '17 is in the PhD Biology program at the University of Illinois. He is also co-founder of Earnest Earth.
  • 17岁的莱恩·安德鲁斯是爱荷华大学历史系的研究生.
  • Rev. Ross Epping '11 他拥有神学和哲学双学位,现在是南澳大学的校园牧师.
  • 12岁的考特尼·阿弗坎普(Courtney Averkamp)开始在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校攻读博士学位.

Alfredo Mac Laughlin, PhD, Assoc. Professor and Chair

Joe McCaffrey, PhD, Professor Emeritus
Brian Miclot, PhD, Professor Emeritus
Tanya Randle, PhD, Chair and Assoc. Professor
Jessica Roisen, PhD, Professor
Tadd Ruetenik, PhD, Professor
Andy Swift, PhD, Professor

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (30 credits)

你可能想要考虑一个哲学双学位(不需要额外的学期). See the Plan to Graduate below.

+PHIL 200 Philosophical Methods
+PHIL 217 History of Ancient Philosophy
+PHIL 360 History of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
PHIL 495 Senior Seminar

One of the following:
+PHIL 400 Philosophy and the Scientific Revolution
PHIL 405 Philosophy of Knowledge
PHIL 420 Metaphysics
PHIL 425 American Philosophy

15 additional PHIL credits:
6 credits must be at the 300- or 400-level
3 credits must be at the 400-level
3 credits from any level

Read course descriptions

Plans to Graduate

这是建议的学习计划,四年后毕业,获得哲学学位. 这个计划假定学生在高中没有学过三年的外语.


Plan to Graduate – BA in Philosophy

Year One

PHIL 100 or PHIL 101 3 PHIL 207 or 210 3
COMM 129 3 MATH 131 3
Foreign Language 101 3 Foreign Language 102 3
ENGL 101 3 THEO 101 3
KIN 149 1 ART 100 3
IL 101 1
Total Credits 14 Total Credits 15

Year Two

PHIL 217 History of Ancient Philosophy 3 PHIL 200 Philosophical Methods 3
ASTR 201 3 KIN activity course 1-2
CSM Classical Studies 101 3 PSYC 105 3
Electives 6 HIST 100 3
Elective 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 14-15

Year Three

*PHIL 360 History of Medieval Philosophy 3 *PHIL 302, 311, 340, 343, 350, 375, 390^ 3
*PHIL 302, 311, 340, 343, 350, 375, or 390^ 3 *PHIL 400, 405, 420, or 425 3
*PHIL 400, 405, 420, or 425 3 Electives 9
Electives 6
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

Year Four

*PHIL 495 Senior Seminar 3 Electives 15
Electives 12
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

*Needs pre-requisite

Plan to Graduate – Philosophy as a Second Major


Year One

PHIL 100 or PHIL 101 3 PHIL 207 or 210 3
Course from 1st Major 3 MATH 131 3
Foreign Language 101 3 Foreign Language 102 3
ENGL 101 3 THEO 101 3
KIN 149 1 Course from 1st Major 3
IL 101 1
KIN Activity 1-2
Total Credits 15-16 Total Credits 15

Year Two

PHIL 217 History of Ancient Philosophy 3 PHIL 200 Philosophical Methods 3
Course from 1st Major 3 Course from 1st Major
CSM Classical Studies 101 3 PSYC 105 3
HIST 100 ART 100 3
MATH 131 ASTR 201 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

Year Three

*PHIL 360 History of Medieval Philosophy 3 *PHIL 302, 311, 340, 343, 350, 375, 390^ 3
*PHIL 302, 311, 340, 343, 350, 375, or 390^ 3 *PHIL 400, 405, 420, or 425 3
Courses from 1st Major 9 Courses from 1st Major 9
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

Year Four

*PHIL 495 Senior Seminar 3 Electives 6
Courses from 1st Major 9 Courses from 1st Major 6
Elective 3 *PHIL 400, 405, 420, or 425 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

*Needs prerequisite
^=this class may be repeated

Minor in Philosophy (15 credits)

+PHIL 102 Critical Thinking or PHIL 200 Philosophical Methods

One of the following:
+PHIL 217 History of Ancient Philosophy
+PHIL 360 History of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy

9 additional PHIL credits:
3 credits from 300- or 400-level
3 credits from 400-level
3 credits from any level

Minor in Applied Ethics (15 credits)

+PHIL 207 Ethics
+PHIL 343 Ethics of Peace and Non-violence

9 additional credits from the following:
+PHIL 210 Social/Political Philosophy
+PHIL 302 Peace and Justice Seminar
+PHIL 305 Business Ethics
+PHIL 310 Bio-Medical Ethics
+PHIL 311 Environmental Ethics
+PHIL 340 Philosophy of Sex and Love
+PHIL  385 Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy Workshop

+ = fulfills a general education requirement

Scholarships and Grants


St. galaxy银河娱乐场app提供优秀的奖学金和助学金,勤工俭学和其他经济援助选择! 全日制学生可以根据你在大学期间的优异学习成绩获得资格, 你在美术或体育方面的天赋或你证明的经济需求由 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The SAU school code for the FAFSA is 001889.

First-Year Scholarships and Institutional Aid 2024-2025

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.0 GPA: $24,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $22,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $20,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $18,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $14,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.49, additional documents and review required for admission.

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.o GPA: $17,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $16,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $15,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $14,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $13,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.49, additional documents and review required for admission.


Ambrose Advantage Full-Tuition Scholarship
Pell-eligible Iowa residents, learn more here

Fr. Welch Alumni Scholarship: $500 per year
Parent is a St. Ambrose graduate

Catholic Traditions Scholarship: $1,000 per year

Minority Scholarship: $500 per year
Ethnically diverse student

Athletic Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability

Fine Arts Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability in music, art and theatre

Faith Learning Justice Campus Ministry Scholarships: $2,000 per year

Scholarships are determined by unweighted GPA, and are renewable for four years of undergraduate student. 由于GPA变化而增加的奖学金将在3月1日之前进行审查.

State and Federal Grants, Work Study

补助金是你不需要偿还的钱,它们可以来自政府或私人. SAU直接接收所有的经济援助资金——包括贷款和助学金——然后将它们应用到你的账户中:一次在秋季学期,一次在春季学期. Grants can be used to cover your tuition, books, and housing costs. You must apply for grants each academic year. 如果你有任何贷款资金超过你的成本,你可能会收到退款. 如果你是第一次借款者,你的第一次付款有30天的延迟. For all of these grants, you must complete the Free Application Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as it is available.

Iowa Tuition Grant
To be eligible for the Iowa Tuition Grant, 你必须是爱荷华州董事会规定的爱荷华州居民,并且目前正在或计划在符合条件的爱荷华州学院或大学(SAU符合条件)注册本科学位课程。. 爱荷华大学援助为爱荷华人提供基于需求的大学经济援助, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant.
Award: $7,500 maximum

Federal Pell Grant
根据你的家庭对你的教育贡献的多少,授予最需要的学生. The U.S. Department of Education sets a threshold. Then, when you file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 它会计算你在这个门槛内的位置,并确定你是否有资格获得资助,以及获得多少资助.
Award: $6,895 maximum

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
You must file a FAFSA to qualify for a Pell Grant. This grant is awarded on a first-come, 已提交所有所需文件以供审查并及时完成审查的学生优先申请. If you are eligible for a Pell Grant or SEOG, the awards will appear on your financial aid award letter.
Award: $400 maximum

Federal Work Study
Must secure campus employment.
Award: $2,560

为打算在低收入家庭服务的学校从事高需求领域教学的学生提供资助.S. Department of Education or a state education agency). Review criteria and all details here.
Award: up to $4,000

Outside Scholarships

有很多机会从外部来源获得奖学金, here are a few websites to begin researching your options:

另一个建议:下次你在学校的时候,看看外面的公告牌 Student Financial Services where we post more flyers and applications for outside scholarships.

Tim Stompanato '13

Tim – a double major in Theatre and Philosophy – says St. Ambrose gave him the valuable opportunity to explore different studies. “我被戏剧和哲学项目所吸引,并很快意识到这些将不仅仅是我的专业, but my passions as well. 哲学影响了我生活的方方面面,我在这个项目中得到了巨大的成长. 我接触了许多不同的思想家和哲学类型,每节课都塑造了我今天的心态和我看待周围世界的方式," he says.

Another Philosophy Major: Foreign Correspondent Franc Contreras '87
Joe Norris Headshot mobile size Joe Norris Headshot

Joe Norris

Bachelor of Arts in Theology,Director of Mission Integration and Regional Ethics, Mercy Dubuque and Mercy Health Network,Class of 2012

培养真正关心乔的SAU教授为他获得神学和医疗伦理学的研究生学位铺平了道路. 他以特派团一体化和区域道德主任的身份,利用他的教育来服务和指导他人, Mercy Dubuque and Mercy Health Network.

See My Story

Apply Visit Info


Alfredo Mac Laughlin, PhD, Chair

Philosophy Department
Ambrose Hall 315B
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.