
Follow the steps below to file a report of sexual violence/assault/harassment with St. galaxy银河娱乐场app.


联系 the SAU security office at 563-333-6104 or 911 from a campus phone.


A lead officer will meet with you to write down facts and create an incident report.

  • We will begin by affirming that we believe the information you are about to share with us.
  • 你可能会有人和你一起提供支持.
  • You may request the Davenport Police Department to also take a report at that time.
  • You will be notified of your rights and the options you have in the campus process.
  • You will be offered awareness of support services and have questions answered.


事故报告归档后不久, Security and 教务长 administrators will determine if they have a legal and/or moral duty to report this incident (anonymously/in general terms) to the campus community.

  • 这是联邦政府的要求 校园拯救法案这是《galaxy银河娱乐场app》的延伸. The intention is never to compromise your confidentiality but rather to ensure that the community is made aware of any on-going threat of sexual assault.
  • You will be informed as to how a decision is made and what the determination is about the decision to report this incident campus-wide.


调查开始了. 这个过程可能需要2-4周.

  • 将指派一名调查员领导调查.
  • A series of questions to determine what policy violations have occurred.
  • The respondent (person accused) and any witnesses will also be interviewed.
  • At the conclusion of the investigation, you will be asked to write a Victim Impact Statement. This statement will give administrators an understanding of how the described event has affected and impacted your life.
  • 有关策略和流程的详细信息,请参见 学生手册.


After the investigation is completed a decision is made as to whether the University has a preponderance of evidence that a policy violation has occurred.

  • If the respondent accepts responsibility for this violation and agrees that they did perpetrate an act of sexual violence, an administrative hearing in which they agree to the policy violations and establish agreed upon sanctions from the university may be implemented.
  • If the respondent does not agree with the charges or accept responsibility for the violation a student conduct review hearing may be requested.
  • A Student Conduct Review Hearing is facilitated by three administrative staff members.
    • In this process, the respondent has the right to ask the complainant questions.
    • 我们会以最安全的方式进行听证会, including offering separate venues for delivering testimony so that each person in the complaint is not required to be in the same room.
    • A support advocate is available to all individuals throughout the entire process.

请参阅 学生手册 进行操守覆核聆讯程序.

要是有人举报我怎么办? 宣传及资源



Many students do not know where to turn for help or what steps to take after an assault has been committed. Although the choices about which option to explore rest solely with the affected student, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app鼓励学生采取以下步骤:

  1. 尽快找个安全的地方.
  2. Immediately contact Campus Security (911 from any campus phone) or find someone you trust and knows how to help you. 可能是室友,助理律师,或者性侵犯辩护律师.
  3. Victims of sexual assault are strongly encouraged to seek immediate medical attention, available 24 hours at Genesis West or Genesis East Hospitals (421-1000), 或者在其他医疗机构.

If at all possible, do not change clothes, shower, bathe, douche, or urinate. 急诊室的工作人员接受过检查伤情的培训, as well as collect the physical evidence necessary for the proof of criminal sexual assault, should you decide to pursue charges through the Davenport Police Department. Please be aware that hospital personnel are obligated to contact both the police and the QC Rape/Sexual Assault Counseling & 倡导方案(R/SACAP).

虽然你没有义务这么做, victims or sexual assault are highly encouraged to take advantage of R/SACAP's free and confidential services to help you understand your options for off-campus proceedings and to receive counseling specific to your needs.

If you know someone who has been raped, here are some ways you can help.

  • 支持. 不责怪受害者吗. 他们并没有要求被侵犯.
  • 听. Respond to what she says she needs-not what you think she needs.
  • Support her in calling a rape crisis center and getting medical attention.
  • 主动提出帮她打电话. Offer to drive her to the hospital, police station and rape crisis center.
  • Offer to stay with her during the medical examination and interviews.

作为一个男人,你可能会被熟人性侵犯. You may be pressured or forced into unwanted sex by a friend, relative, date or other acquaintance. If this happens to you, you are entitled to the same services and legal remedies as any other victim.

If you are sexually assaulted, you may fear that your masculinity is in question. 你可能会问:为什么我不能保护自己? 这种事在别的男人身上发生过吗? 如果攻击者是女性, you may fear that no one would believe your story or that you would be laughed at.重要的是要记住性侵犯是一种犯罪. 你没有错. You are entitled to support--to medical care, legal assistance and counseling. You may want to call a rape crisis center for help in getting these services.

Some of this information has been adapted from a publication by the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (2000)


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