Political Science

Whether you aspire to be a leader in politics, law, government service, or within a public agency, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app有一个帮助你实现目标的项目.

Our graduates work at the U.S. 地方法院,四方城市商会,霍普金斯 & Huebner, AmeriCorps, and others. 许多人进入了研究生学习,并就读于爱荷华大学和德保罗大学法学院, among others.

Ambrose Advantages

  • 为政治领导和法律和政治学高级学位奠定坚实基础的课程
  • 在我们全额资助的模拟审判和模拟联合国团队中展示和捍卫您的研究
  • 一对一的指导与我们的经验丰富的教师谁拥有现实世界的专业知识

Students at Model UN

Duk Kim in front of class

Students in a row

我们的政治学课程教你批判性思考, 了解复杂世界所面临的挑战和机遇, 辨别出你在改善社会中所能扮演的角色.


More Information on the Political Science Program

What will I learn?

Courses include American government, law, leadership studies, political philosophy, global issues, terrorism, campaigns and elections, foreign policy, comparative politics, and environmental politics. 你也可以完成实习,向活跃在政府或为公众服务的机构的领导学习.

你可以从三个方向选择:法律预科、公共管理和国际政治. If you're interested in pursuing law school, 我们与爱荷华大学合作开设法律预科课程(见下文).

Throughout your studies, 你将学会如何仔细和批判性地思考重要问题, write and speak well, ground problems in historic issues, 收集信息,分析问题,获得理论见解, 并收集政治世界的实用知识.


Peace Corps Prep

如果你的未来计划包括服务,我们是爱荷华州为数不多的提供服务的大学之一 Peace Corps Prep, 这个项目可以让你在和平队或其他服务项目的志愿者职位中成为更有力的候选人.

大多数学生不需要额外的课程就可以获得由和平队颁发的证书. Talk to your advisor if you're interested.

What unique learning opportunities will I have?
  • Join Mock Trial at SAU. 这个项目模拟了一个真实的法庭审判,学生作为律师和证人. 我们队在比赛中一直名列前茅, 承诺加入球队的大一新生和转学生可以申请1美元,000 annual scholarship, renewable for up to eight semesters. For more information on Mock Trial, contact coach Sarah Gorham.
  • Join Model U.N. and explore a range of global issues, such as international conflicts, terrorism, nuclear weapons and poverty. In November, SAU分会代表哥伦比亚出席了在芝加哥举行的美国模拟联合国会议. 2018年2月,我们将代表德国参加在圣路易斯举行的中西部模拟联合国会议. Louis.
  • Are you interested in a law degree? 南澳大学与爱荷华大学法学院有合作协议 这样你就可以在六年内获得学士学位和法律学位. 你可以在大三申请3+3课程,如果被录取的话, 在法学院的第一年就获得大四的本科学分. And, we will help you plan for your goal. 我们的教师建议所有法律预科学生,无论他们的专业. For more information, contact Dr. Joe Hebert, director of Pre-Law Studies at St. Ambrose.
  • Talk to SAU alumni. Our faculty stays connected with our graduates, 许多人愿意在课堂内外与在校学生见面,分享他们在公共服务和领导方面的经验.
  • 爱荷华州是“全国第一个”举行总统选举党团会议的州这为该地区和校园带来了源源不断的总统候选人. SAU还举办许多立法论坛和政治辩论,候选人寻求当地, state and national offices. 这些事件提供了非凡的观察机会, participate, volunteer, or even intern or make a career connection.
  • 如果你有冒险精神,有强烈的个人动力去行动,并寻求沉浸在你自己以外的国家和文化中, our Peace Corps Prep program 会帮助你获得跨文化技能,你需要一个改变生活的服务经验. SAU是爱荷华州为数不多的提供和平队预备课程的大学之一, 这个项目可以让你在和平队或其他服务项目的志愿者职位中成为更有力的候选人. 雇主看重你在和平队获得的技能和文化世界观, and best of all, 大多数学生不需要额外的课程就能获得和平队证书.

What are some potential career outcomes?

You could work for legislative, executive and judicial agencies at the national, state and local levels of government.

Your skills are also valued by non-profit agencies, including those specializing in education, philanthropy, social and community service. 或者,为大型或小型企业工作,从事通信或技术咨询.

Our graduates go on to law school, graduate school, are employed in all levels of government, run for political office, and manage business, non-profit, and government organizations.

Where are some of our alums working?
  • Nya Hardaman今年23岁,是圣路易斯市的青年和galaxy银河娱乐场app项目专家. Paul, MN.
  • 22岁的里斯·鲍威尔是爱荷华州参议院共和党人的立法研究分析师.
  • Kylee Colvin ' 21是加利福尼亚州彭德尔顿营海军陆战队航空站的行政专家.
  • Hanley Preston '20 is a Technical Analyst at ANSER.
  • Shannon McEachern ' 19是伊利诺伊州迪卡尔布县的助理州检察官    

L. Joseph Hebert, PhD, Professor and Chair

Duk Kim, PhD, Professor

Pre-Law Program

3+3 Law Degree Plan with University of Iowa

In your junior year, 你可以申请爱荷华大学法学院,在总共六年的时间里获得本科和法律学位.

If accepted to the program, 你通过第一年的法学院课程完成了大四的本科学分.

This program is part of an 与爱荷华大学法学院的协议.

For more information, view the Pre-Law program page or contact Dr. Joe Hebert, Director of Pre-Law Studies at St. Ambrose.

科林·麦克纳马拉一直认为法学院是他的命运. He was the first student to progress through St. galaxy银河娱乐场app与爱荷华大学合作的3+3学位计划. Read Colin's story.

Minor in Pre-Law (18 credits)

See the Pre-Law page for details.

Degree Requirements


+PSCI 101 American Government
+PSCI 110法律与社会:美国法律体系概论或+PSCI 120真理,正义 & Politics: An Introduction to Political Philosophy
+PSCI 130 Global Issues
PSCI 400 Research in Political Science


  1. 法律与政治哲学:PSCI 304, PSCI 320, PSCI 330
  2. 政府与领导力:PSCI 301, PSCI 360, PSCI 365, PSCI 370
  3. 国际关系:PSCI 230, PSCI 309, PSCI 313, PSCI 316, PSCI 319

At least one of the following:
PSCI 104 Introduction to Leadership Studies
PSCI 305 (3 semesters) Mock Trial, 1 credit each
PSCI 306(3学期)模拟联合国,各1学分
PSCI 351 Internship in Pre-Law
PSCI 353 Internship in Politics


注意:公共管理专业的学生必须与政治学主席协商,批准选修课程. Public Administration students are strongly encouraged to double major in another field related to public service; for instance, sociology, criminal justice, psychology, etc. Public Administration students should also complete an interdisciplinary minor related to their studies; such as the organizational leadership minor, the environmental studies minor, or the pre-law minor.

二主修及跨学科辅修核准, consult with political science chair, the chair of second 主修系,以及适当的跨学科辅修的协调员/主任.

Minor in Political Science (18 credits)

+PSCI 101 American Government
+PSCI 130 Global Issues
1 course in law and political philosophy
1 course in government and leadership
1 course in international studies

One of the following:
+PSCI 104 Introduction to Leadership Studies
+PSCI 110《法律与社会:美国法律体系概论
+PSCI 120 Truth, Justice & Politics: An Introduction to Political Philosophy

Plan to Graduate

这是建议的学习计划,在四年内毕业,获得政治科学和领导研究学位. 该计划假定学生未达到外语要求(高中三年外语).

Year One

PSCI 101, 104, or 110 3 +PSCI 130 Global Issues 3
+Oral Communication 3 PSCI 101, 104, or 110 3
+Quantitative Reasoning 3 +Catholic Intellectual Tradition 3
+Humanities 3 Foreign Language 101 3
NSS New Student Seminar 1 Creative Arts 3
Information Literacy 1 +KIN 149 1
Total Credits 14 Total Credits 16

Year Two

+PSCI 120 Truth, Justice and Politics 3 PSCI 230 or 232; 309 or 316*; 309 or 319 3
PSCI 320* OR 330* 3 PSCI 320* or 330* 3
+Catholic Intellectual Tradition 3 +Catholic Intellectual Tradition 3
+Humanities 3 Foreign Language 102 3
+Health and Fitness 3 Natural Science 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

Year Three

PSCI 301, 360, or 370 3 PSCI 230, 309, 316, 319 3
+Catholic Intellectual Tradition 3 PSCI 365* 3
+STAT 213 3 Electives 6
PSCI 230, 309, 313, 316, or 319 3
Elective 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 12

Year Four

PSCI 400* (either fall or spring) 3 PSCI 400* (either fall or spring) 3
Electives 12 Electives 12
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

*Needs prerequisite
+satisfies a general education requirement

Scholarships and Grants


St. galaxy银河娱乐场app提供优秀的奖学金和助学金,勤工俭学和其他经济援助选择! 全日制学生可以根据你在大学期间的优异学习成绩获得资格, 你在美术或体育方面的天赋或你证明的经济需求由 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The SAU school code for the FAFSA is 001889.


Merit-Based Scholarships

4.0 GPA: $24,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $22,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $20,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $18,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $14,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.入学所需的额外文件和审查.

Merit-Based Scholarships

4.o GPA: $17,000
3.75-3.99 GPA: $16,000
3.0-3.749 GPA: $15,000
2.5-2.99 GPA: $14,000
2.0-2.49 GPA: $13,000
If GPA is 2.0-2.入学所需的额外文件和审查.


Ambrose Advantage Full-Tuition Scholarship
Pell-eligible Iowa residents, learn more here

Fr. Welch Alumni Scholarship: $500 per year
Parent is a St. Ambrose graduate

Catholic Traditions Scholarship: $1,000 per year

Minority Scholarship: $500 per year
Ethnically diverse student

Athletic Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability

Fine Arts Scholarships: varies
Performance and ability in music, art and theatre

信仰学习正义校园事工奖学金: $2,000 per year

Scholarships are determined by unweighted GPA, 并且是可再生的四年本科学生. 由于GPA变化而增加的奖学金将在3月1日之前进行审查.

State and Federal Grants, Work Study

补助金是你不需要偿还的钱,它们可以来自政府或私人. SAU直接接收所有的经济援助资金——包括贷款和助学金——然后将它们应用到你的账户中:一次在秋季学期,一次在春季学期. 助学金可以用来支付你的学费、书本费和住宿费. You must apply for grants each academic year. 如果你有任何贷款资金超过你的成本,你可能会收到退款. 如果你是第一次借款者,你的第一次付款有30天的延迟. 对于所有这些补助金,您必须完成免费申请 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as it is available.

Iowa Tuition Grant
To be eligible for the Iowa Tuition Grant, 你必须是爱荷华州董事会规定的爱荷华州居民,并且目前正在或计划在符合条件的爱荷华州学院或大学(SAU符合条件)注册本科学位课程。. 爱荷华大学援助为爱荷华人提供基于需求的大学经济援助, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant.
Award: $7,500 maximum

Federal Pell Grant
根据你的家庭对你的教育贡献的多少,授予最需要的学生. The U.S. Department of Education sets a threshold. Then, when you file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 它会计算你在这个门槛内的位置,并确定你是否有资格获得资助,以及获得多少资助.
Award: $6,895 maximum

You must file a FAFSA to qualify for a Pell Grant. This grant is awarded on a first-come, 已提交所有所需文件以供审查并及时完成审查的学生优先申请. If you are eligible for a Pell Grant or SEOG, 这些奖项将出现在你的经济援助奖励信上.
Award: $400 maximum

Federal Work Study
Must secure campus employment.
Award: $2,560

为打算在低收入家庭服务的学校从事高需求领域教学的学生提供资助.S. 教育部或州教育机构). Review criteria and all details here.
Award: up to $4,000

Outside Scholarships

有很多机会从外部来源获得奖学金, 这里有几个网站,你可以开始研究你的选择:

另一个建议:下次你在学校的时候,看看外面的公告牌 Student Financial Services 我们在哪里张贴更多的传单和申请外部奖学金.

Ana Sperling '19

安娜取得了惊人的学术成就:她在三年内获得了政治学学位,并在科巴姆任务系统公司完成了实习, U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA-4), and the Quad City Times. Her goal is a career that dives into public policy, perhaps working local or state government, in a state or federal agency, or as a prosecutor.

Read Ana's Story
Rachel Molsberry Headshot mobile size Rachel Molsberry Headshot

Rachel Molsberry


我们galaxy银河娱乐场app你在SAU的经历会带来个人发现,就像瑞秋一样. 这就是为什么我们为所有学生提供以文科和天主教知识传统为基础的教育基础.

See My Story

Apply Visit Info


L. Joseph Hebert, PhD, Department Chair

Political Science and Leadership Studies
Folwell Center
518 W. Locust St.

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.